January is the perfect time to reflect, refocus, and set our intentions for the months ahead. At BTI, we believe that growth—both personal and professional—starts with clarity of purpose.
- CMS – “A constant flow of new content”
- The key behind every living, breathing webpage, is a solid CMS in the background. A CMS, short for “content management system”, is a dashboard for the end-user to add content to their website. A CMS makes it easy to upload content and accompany it with the necessary links, tabs, references, or visual aids. The CMS streamlines the process from conceptualization to publishing content to your website, while also providing fields and reminders to include elements to meet best standards for web and SEO. By making sure you have a straightforward CMS to publish to your site, you can ensure the free flow of unique content to your site, as anyone on your team can contribute and publish content themselves.
- A CMS encourages regular posting of fresh content. This contributes to your SEO and overall domain authority, making for a stronger call to prospective clients searching for relevant keywords online.
Insight Bytes Healthy Eating Part 3/3: Millennials
Every marketing conference, marketing blog, article, white paper, or analytics report centers around one common subject, Millennials. Are we over it yet? Ambitious, connected and constantly changing the world, what don’t we know about this somewhat overly-stereotyped generation?
As the millennials themselves would say, “let me spit some facts at you!”
Where are they living?
Millennials (hereby referred to as “Mills”), live in Ontario (37%). That’s not surprising nor is the fact that 11% live in Toronto. But, Mills index 22 points higher in Alberta than the rest of the age groups. Immigration and migration within Canada and high fertility rates are keeping Alberta youthful. Launching a new product to Mills? Consider Toronto and Calgary/Edmonton to get the best bang for your launch buck.
Mills are book smart, single, and have the cash… who wouldn’t want to wine and dine them?
What Are They Eating?
Speaking of wining and dining – what do Mills think of healthy eating? They think about it a lot.
While it’s pretty universal, Canadians consider meals containing the following as healthy:
- More Vegetables & Fruit (55%)
- Less Sugar (40%)
- Natural Ingredients (32%)
Mills are seriously packing away more fruits and vegetables in the past year than any other age group.
Avocado toast anyone? How about a plant-based bean salad for your Keto lunch? You could wash that down with power protein berry shake? Bam! Bring on the next HIIT class!
Product Claims
Organic, organic, organic! Mills (27%) look for products carrying an organic descriptor more than any other age group. While there is still limited public knowledge on exactly what is defined as “organic”, Mills flock toward organic product claims. However, it’s important to note that brands are encouraged to remain authentic or the Mills will Tweet you into obscurity.
Avoiding Food Products From….
In recent memory there have been boycotts of foods from certain countries due to political or health & safety issues. Female Mills (70% vs 60% remaining age groups) in Alberta (80% vs 72%) seem to be extraordinarily vocal in their avoidance of foods from certain countries.
At the end of the day, you can say what you will about Millennials. But if you asked them, they might say they are proudly ambitious, constantly connected and slowly changing the world. That’s a good thing! As marketers we are constantly trying to broaden our communication to reach new audiences, and Millenials are no different. Get in touch with our team to learn more about marketing healthy living to major demographics and psychographics.
Success Powered by Our “Can-Do” Spirit
As we reflect on what defines BTI, one value remains central to our identity—our "Can-Do" spirit. It's more than just a mindset; it's a way of working, creating, and achieving. Read on to explore what this value represents and why it might become a core part of who we are.
BTI’s 2024 Year in Review
As we near the end of another year, we like to take time to reflect on the milestones, achievements, and lessons that have shaped our 12 month long journey this year. At BTI, each year is more than just a collection of days; it’s a testament to our purpose-driven values,...