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Building an Emotional Connection Through Strategic Narratives

BTI Uses Strategy-driven Design to Engage With Your Customers


Understanding and defining your audience is essential in crafting your strategies to reach them. BTI conducts in-depth consumer research and builds personas that embody the primary traits of your target customer. We advise you who to tell your story to and why they should care to hear it.


Understanding and defining your audience is essential in crafting your strategies to reach them. BTI conducts in-depth consumer research and builds personas that embody the primary traits of your target customer. We advise you who to tell your story to and why they should care to hear it.

Target Customers & Audience with Brand Storytelling.


Incorporating your brand’s voice and personality is an excellent way to build your narrative. BTI understands how people are hardwired to respond to stories because of character-driven narratives. We help you humanize your brand and show people that your organization cares, empathizes and stands for something important.


Incorporating your brand’s voice and personality is an excellent way to build your narrative. BTI understands how people are hardwired to respond to stories because of character-driven narratives. We help you humanize your brand and show people that your organization cares, empathizes and stands for something important.

brand’s character-driven narratives with voice and personality to click with your right targeted customer group.


Communicating your story by keeping things simple and consistent can create a lasting impression. BTI tells you how to craft compelling and consistent messaging across your customer journey through all your platforms. We help you build your brand’s credibility and trust with your customers.


Communicating your story by keeping things simple and consistent can create a lasting impression. BTI tells you how to craft compelling and consistent messaging across your customer journey through all your platforms. We help you build your brand’s credibility and trust with your customers.

Consistency is key for brand story telling for targeted customers & audience


Captivating audiences through real stories exponentially increases brand resonance. BTI understands that stories are how we make sense of the world. In the age of dynamic storytelling – a two-way conversation between brands and consumers is pivotal. We help you engage your audience with stories that resonate and inspire action.


Captivating audiences through real stories exponentially increases brand resonance. BTI understands that stories are how we make sense of the world. In the age of dynamic storytelling – a two-way conversation between brands and consumers is pivotal. We help you engage your audience with stories that resonate and inspire action.

Brand authenticity is achieved through real stories that make sense for target customer & audience with brand storytelling.


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