One Tab, Two Meals

One-for-One Business Model For Feeding Those In Need


TangoTab is a socially conscious app that connects diners to restaurants’ empty tables, donating a portion of the total bill to feed local families in need. Their launch in 2012, proved to be a business challenge as this was also the time that deal sites like Groupon were gaining momentum and fighting for the same deal savvy consumer. TangoTab partnered with BTI to help them navigate this competitive industry and use marketing and communications to highlight the ways this app was different than everything else out there.


BTI worked closely with TangoTab to launch the brand to market. This included refining the brand’s business model and developing unique and customized creative materials. With creative assets and sales presentations in hand, TangoTab and BTI then zeroed in on onboarding local Dallas restaurants to participate. Once the app was launched to the public, BTI supported TangoTab’s experiential marketing program including guerrilla marketing, branded wearables and live tango dancing demonstrations to excite the community and pique local media interest.

TANGOTAB - Branding
TANGOTAB - Branding


TangoTab had an overwhelmingly positive consumer response upon launching and has over 100,000 restaurants participating today. As the industry evolved, TangoTab pivoted their objective to focus more heavily on the give back model of their business, and have since expanded to 34 cities across the United States and have donated over 2.6 million meals to people in need.

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